School Age Credential (SACC)
Keystone College offers the nine-credit SACC credential which is administered by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development for individuals who are employed in school-age child care in certified child care facilities. The credential requires the creation of a professional portfolio.
School Age Credential (SACC) Courses
ECE 3150 – Administration and Supervision of Schools for Young Children or EDUC 4910 – Seminar: Contemporary Research, Issues, and Ethics in Education
EDUC 2130 – Child, Family, and Community
PSYC 2195 – Child Development II
SACC credits earned in this program may be transferred to the bachelor degree programs in education
Information on time frames and fees available upon request.

Credentials for Educators
Credentials for Educators
Keystone College
One College Green
La Plume, PA 18440-0200
Office Hours:
Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.